Friday, May 25, 2007

Extended time on freebie!

Just wanted to let you know that I will keep the current A template up over the weekend. I am leaving for the weekend myself and had not finished the current layout with the new template. I hope you have fun this weekend. Don't do anything I wouldn't do now. LOL! Which is a lot because I am a wimp! Haha!

Have a great Memorial Weekend and I hope to have some freebies all ready for each day next week so keep an eye out!

A bit about me

I am a stay at home mother of 7 boys that keep me busy all day, but I love to create in many different ways when I have a few minutes to myself. Since my youngest is finally in the double digits, I am able to have a little more time to myself to create. I love crafting in any way, shape, or form and I would like to share that with you. I also enjoy cooking, baking, and gardening which I hope to share with you too.

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